Awakening dignity
The notion of dignity is crucial to the question of how to live a fulfilling life. Phakchok Rinpoche draws from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition to offer an insightful answer to this question. Dignity is the innate purity of our heart that we naturally possess yet often fail to recognize in ourselves. To move through life with confidence, clarity, and compassion, we need only to access, stabilize, and embody unshakable trust in this inherent nature.
Instructor: Lama Bruce Newman
Schedule: Wednesday evenings, 7-9 PM PDT, June 28—July 26, August 16-September 13
Location: Zoom
Suggested Donation $125
Purchase of the book is highly recommended
I would love to register for your Awakening Dignity class beginning this Wednesday June 28 th through July 26th. Jennifer Spillet is a co-worker and friend and she is the contact who shared this book and informed me about the zoom course.